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About Keylogic

Keylogic Automation has been developing products in the field of Industrial Automation mainly wherein the main focus is to be a part of the Industry 4.0 but not just holding to any specific industry type. The solution provider is in the development phase of various devices which are making the Control, Monitoring and Data Acquisition of the Machines in any Industry possible. The products are wireless and the services are cloud based which makes the product fall into the category of applied engineering which is the need of the hour for Industry 4.0 to take the world of Machines ahead. Keylogic also develops multiple services by providing solutions in Warehouse Management, Waste Management amongst others and is still having multiple products in pipeline to go further with the plan of providing automation wherever possible.

The Group has a perfect mix of Experience and Youth blended together to achieve credibility, goodwill and success in the respective domains of expertise the Group works in. The company consists of experts from within the Industry having an experience of more than 20 years each and also has an in-house powerhouse of Automation services ranging from product ideation to electronics development to instrumentation to server deployment to management to project maintenance. The mix doesn’t leave any area untouched which may have the need to outsource any of the development work and thus can proudly share with all the customers and well-wishers of the group that we have everything in-house and yearn to continue with the same ideology for years to come.

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Our Values

Focus on the user and
all else will follow.

Constant improvement

Move fast

Reach beyond boundaries
and experiment.

Our Certificates